Career Highlights

Postcards to the Earth Environmental Dance Project
A multi-media project exploring the personal relationship between human and Earth. Workshops, exhibits, performance, film.

Global Water Dances
A biennial project where dancers and choreographers prepare free community dance events to raise awareness around local and global water issues. Participating choreographer since 2011, the organizations second event.


2014: University of Colorado, Boulder
MFA Dance Performance & Choreography

Secondary area of emphasis in Somatics
Research area: Dance & Environment

2002: Haverford College (Magna cum laude, Phi Beta Kappa)
BA Cultural Anthropology
with a focus on dance
Minor: Geology

Certifications & Licenses

2012: Finger Lakes Permaculture Institute
Received Permaculture Design Certificate

2006: Finger Lakes School of Massage
NY & CO Licensed and Certified Massage Therapist
(licenses current)